Wednesday, October 17, 2007

To Costello on the Red Peril

Peter Costello yesterday made the startling revelation that Julia Gillard had worked in her undergraduate life for the Socialist Forum, whose members were remnants of the Communist Party. Heavens above! How could we possibly trust a politician with demonstrable connections to social and intellectual activism?
Firstly, the Cold War ended some time ago, did it not? Is the word "communist" still supposed to induce a Pavlovian response of fear and trembling? If so, why don't we rethink our various connections with China?
Secondly, Gillard is surely one of several hundred thousand middle-aged Australians whose youthful commitment to socialism has gradually shifted to a more sober and conservative left-middle ground. She needn't be labelled either a traitor or an infiltrator.
Thirdly, I wonder what Costello was doing at uni while Gillard was protesting, debating, campaigning, awareness-raising and developing political experience? Swotting away for his commerce exams, presumably.
PS. I think Gillard might fruitfully adopt "Red Peril" as a hip media tag.

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